HSBBQ - Home of the High School BBQ League



In the spirit of camaraderie, education, community, family (#HSBBQFamily), and the love of barbecue, we, the members of the High School BBQ League, unite under this creed to inspire, engage, and empower our members and demonstrate the highest level of sportsmanship in all we do.

I. Passion for the Pit: Learning!

We believe in the transformative educational power of barbecue. We embrace the fire, the smoke, and the sizzle as metaphors for life's challenges and opportunities. We are committed to igniting a passion for the grill and fostering a lifelong love for the art of barbecue but most of all changing kids lives through education, mentorship, career exploration, and a growth mindset.

II. Teamwork and Togetherness

We are not just individuals; we are a team. Through cooperation, we strengthen our bonds, learn the importance of collaboration, and build lasting friendships. In the smoke-filled haze, we find clarity in unity.

III. Dedication to Craft: Education

We honor the tradition and craftsmanship of barbecue using it as an educational tool to serve students, teachers, schools, and communities' across America. We commit to learning, practicing, and perfecting our skills, knowing that mastery takes time and patience. Through diligence and perseverance, we achieve educational excellence and eat really well, we invite you to COME EAT OUR HOMEWORK!.

IV. Respect for the Flame

We respect the fire that fuels our passion. Just as the flames require care and attention, so do our students and schools. We treat each other with respect, kindness, and empathy, creating a safe and inclusive environment where our kids can compete on a team. "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the of a igniting of a fire".

V. Lifelong Learning

We recognize that education extends beyond the grill and classroom. We strive for academic excellence, embracing learning as a continuous journey. We seek to empower ourselves and each other through knowledge and personal growth.

VI. Character and Sportsmanship

In victory or defeat, we display sportsmanship and uphold the highest moral standards. We learn valuable life lessons through competition, respecting our opponents, and gracefully accepting outcomes.

VII. Community and Giving Back

We understand that our success comes with a responsibility to give back to our communities. We use our passion for barbecue to engage in charitable activities, support those in need, and be active, positive contributors to society and our schools using our new skills to give back and serve as part of TEAM BBQ.

VIII. Mentorship and Leadership

We aspire to be role models for younger generations. We provide guidance and mentorship to inspire others to follow their dreams and passions, fostering leadership and self-confidence in all.

IX. Innovation and Creativity

We encourage creative thinking and innovation, pushing the boundaries of barbecue. We celebrate diversity and welcome new ideas, believing that innovation is the key to progress.

X. Forever Bound by Smoke

As members of the National High School BBQ Association, Your State HSBBQ Association, and the High School BBQ League, we are forever bound by the smoke, the sizzle, and the shared experiences. We carry these lessons and values with us throughout our lives, spreading the joy of barbecue and the spirit of unity wherever we go as fellow Americans - one country and  one flag.

We pledge to live by this creed, embracing the principles it represents, and carry them forward as we continue our journey through the High School BBQ League. In the world of barbecue and beyond, we are more than participants; we are a family, united by our love for the grill and the lessons it imparts.

High School BBQ: Where Dreams Ignite






P.O.  7816, Round Rock, Texas 78683


IRS filing information

EIN - 85-2136923

 Copyright 2019 - National High School BBQ Association, Inc. (NHSBBQ) and High School BBQ League (HSBBQL)  


www. MEAT.Education  www.BBQ.Education  www.Steak.Education  www.Beef.Education  www.Sausage.Education  www.Pitmaster.Education  www.Barbecue.Education

The members of National High School BBQ Association will provide equal opportunities in programs and activities, education, and employment to all persons regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation and will strive to achieve full and equal employment opportunity throughout National High School BBQ Association.