The mission of the National High School BBQ Association (NHSBBQA) the National HSBBQ Association is to inspire and prepare students for life by creating a nation-wide competitive High School BBQ (HSBBQ) league to teach, preserve, and promote the American tradition of barbecue and live fire cooking as a sport designed around project based learning while using it to develop leadership, career, and life skills for today’s youth in the classroom, we call it FOOD SPORT! What makes us different is we were founded by educators and are run by educators still in the classroom today while only sanctioning events on school campuses like athletics teams. We focus on teaching kids how to cook and learning about the importance of agriculture and all kinds of foods as well as three core cooking methods: BARBECUE, GRILLING, AND DUTCH OVEN (Camping or Cowboy Style) all done on a school campus in their parking lot. We are not a traditional adult barbecue style competition only cooking the same old three meats and categories, our priority is education through project based learning, a growth mindset, and engagement open to all students 5-12th grades. This smokin hot food movement was started to engage kids in the classroom by a CTE culinary arts and agriculture teacher and has grown all over America culminating in our National Championship - THE SLAB (Student's LIT About Barbecue) competition where we awards scholarships and prizes for all their hard work. Our teams are made up of Middle School and High School students competing not on the grid iron, but the grill iron representing their campuses. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that all students have an opportunity to enjoy healthy participation on a team or in the classroom, as well as achievement and good sportsmanship in all education-based activities while supporting teachers and School Districts with fundraising, School spirit, and most of all student and community engagement. Nothing brings people together more than food and barbecue, tailgating, and the old fashion American Cook Out has inspired many a community, sports fan, hungry traveler, and family in its life time. VISION: To become the premiere youth organization in America inspired by live fire cooking focused on Career and Technical skills development supporting teachers and schools. TAGLINE: WHERE DREAMS IGNITE! MOTTO: PURPOSE: 1) To prepare young adults to cook for themselves, their communities, their school, and their family while using their new High School BBQ skills to enhance education, fundraise, feed, inspire, and rally a school community. 2) To promote Career and Technical Education careers and its related occupations. 3) To preserve life fire cooking and its American heritage. 4) To create a sport where all children have an opportunity to participate on a team. 5) To advocate for America Agriculture and honor the food they produce and raise. 6) To bring families and communities together around food to share, learn, and grow. 7) To use these newfound cooking skills to serve their country, state, community, and school in times of need. 8) To get kids outside and off technology to enjoy friendship, fellowship, fresh air, and a good old fashion tailgate. 9) To provide opportunities for decisions making, time management, and personal responsibility. 10) To have fun while learning in the most critical time in a child's life. HIGH SCHOOL BBQ (HSBBQ) CREED: In the spirit of camaraderie, education, community, family (#HSBBQFamily), and the love of barbecue, we, the members of the High School BBQ League, unite under this creed to inspire, engage, and empower our members and demonstrate the highest level of sportsmanship in all we do. Read Here - TEN C'S OF BBQ: CRITICAL THINKING, COOKING, CREATIVITY, COMMUNICATION, COLLABORATION, CITIZENSHIP, CHARACTER, COMMITMENNT, AND CRAVING (STUDENT ENGAGEMENT) OK, OF COURSE - CONSUMPTION! YUMMY Barbecue. Hurry up and start a High School BBQ Team or Club so you too can say - COME EAT OUR HOMEWORK! STUDENT SLAB MEMBERS: Called - COOKERS - Passionate Students LIT About Barbecue and grilling OUR BRAND: Our logo is designed to represent the whole country and although we all come from different States and take pride in where we are from, all of our logos for each State High School BBQ Association have the American Flag design as part of them to represent unity, love, diversity, and patriotism for our great nation and the incredible part all our States play to make America great! The public sometimes abbreviates the full legal name of the National High School BBQ Association or NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL BBQ ASSOCIATION ,Inc.™. While not as accurate a description of our mission as the full legal name, the abbreviation aligns with our acronym (“NHSBBQ”, "NHSBBQA" or "HSBBQL" or our State HSBBQ Association like"MOHSBBQ") and suggests our mission of service to the high school barbecue community. We are proud to answer to whichever name the public may choose to call us. EDUCATION – Is the central focus of the National High School BBQ Association ATTITAINMENT – Achievement in a child’s life builds self esteem and character for ever. TRAINING – Cooking and leadership skills will serve these young people for life as they explore where their food comes from and what makes nutritious quality food. BARBECUE – Is a cooking technique that teaches patience, time management, planning, exploration, teamwork, passion, and focus. BRAVE – Perseverance, grit, and determination creates better students, citizens, and Americans. QUINTESSENTIAL – BBQ, friends, faith, fellowship, and fire are MAKING HOMEWORK FUN AGAINTM We believe Project Based Learning is an effective method of teaching and engaging students. There are five essential elements that are conducive to learning. (1) The teacher's role is to act as a guide. (2) Students must have access to hands-on activities that are REAL WORLD. (3) Students should be able to have choices and let their curiosity direct their learning. (4) Students need the opportunity to practice skills in a safe environment. (5) Students must present their work to adults and leaders in their community. ETHOS: We ignite opportunity by putting students first in all we do while being an impartial educationally driven company that brings adults, business, and industries together to support our teachers and schools to inspire learning and engagement of our children in the classroom. ![]() Be honorable and operate with INTEGRITY Be FAITH FRIENDLY and INCLUSIVE Honor our flag and our country; Honor the Stewards of our Land who produce the food we get to eat and cook; Provide a Safe Learning Environment where all young people can participate as part of a team. When all beliefs and ideas are expressed in a team, school, or community everyone benefits and learns compassion, respect, tolerance, understanding, and love. The National High School BBQ Association believes, faith and commitments are valued and respected. Faith, but the greatest of these is
Faith, Love, Attitude, Morality, Excellence
FLAGS OF NHSBBQ (State and School Flags are always welcome and loved!) ![]() |
Students learn problem solving skills, goal setting, team work, cooking, creativity, and collaboration while practicing and competing as they develop their plan and outcomes. Weather it is at school, our virtual Project Baste Learning competition online each year, or State and National events SMOKE GOALS create Champions in life, school, and competition. Specific – (simple, sensible, significant). Measurable – (meaningful, motivating). Objectives – (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based). Knowledge attained – (agreed, attainable). Educational Outcomes– (time-based, time limited, and desired learning and evaluation). |